Care & Maintenance

We’re here to make your planting experience easy!

You’ve picked out your perfect new plant material —now what?

Follow our handy planting and care guides below! Reach out with any planting and maintenance questions and for personalized tips and tricks!

Tips on Planting Your New Tree or Shrub

Information & Graphics courtesy of Montana Urban & Community Forestry Association.

Time of Year – The ideal time to plant a tree is when it is in a dormant condition, either in early spring before bud-break, or in the fall, after leaves have dropped*. 

Weather conditions at these times are generally cool, allowing plants to establish new roots before the onset of harsh temperatures.

*However, as long as the tree is picked up in the cool morning and planted right away, trees can be planted any time of year by avoiding the hottest days of the year and hottest times of day.

Location – Visualize the tree in 20 years. Consider site restrictions (available growing space, soil, pavement, overhead/underground utilities, etc).

Call local utility services at least 2 days prior to digging to locate underground utilities (usually 811 or 1-800-424-5555 in MT).

Tree selection – Dig a hole three times as wide as the root ball, but not deeper. Amending soil is not necessary unless planting is disturbed sites of poor soil quality.

 Break up compacted soil on sides of the hole, and leave bottom firm.

Tree preparation:

  1. Identify root flare – part of the trunk where the roots spread out at the base of the tree. Root flare should be visible after the tree has been planted. You may have to remove some soil from the top of the root ball to find the flare.

  2. Cut away strings and burlap or plastic from around the trunk. If tree is container grown, carefully remove container.

Tree placement – Lift tree into planting space by the root ball, not the trunk. 

Ensure tree is at proper depth and never plant too deep. Trunk flare and top of root ball should be at/slightly above (>1 inch) grade. 

Balance tree upright at center of planting space. Pull back burlap as much as possible without removing soil from the root ball. Remove wire basket from B & B tree. 

Fill with soil – fill the hole while watering, periodically pausing to gently settle soil into the hole, ensuring the tree is firmly settling in the planting space. Finish filling soil just below the trunk flare.

Mulch – Apply 2 inches of organic material i.e. wood chips or similar composted material. Leave vary soil around the trunk. 

Remove any tags, wrap, flagging, etc. from the tree. Such items were only meant as protection during transportation and installation.

Only stake if necessary – Trees will establish more quickly and develop stronger trunk and root systems if they are not staked at the time of planting. 

However, protective skating may be required on sites where equipment, animal damage, vandalism or windy conditions are concerns.

Bareroot Tree Planting Tips

Information & Graphics courtesy of Bailey Nurseries.

Getting ready to plant – Keep your tree in the bag, in a cool place until you are ready to soak the roots. Fill a large container, like a garbage can, with enough water to cover the roots of your new tree.

Before planting, soak the roots for several hours but o longer than 24 hours. This ensures that the root system has absorbed the maximum amount of water.

Preparing the site – Dig a hole that’s at least 6” wider than the root system and about as deep as the point where the roots flare from the trunk.

If you have an unusually long root, it may be pruned back. Also check for any broken or damaged roots at this time and cut them off clearly.

Set your tree in the hole and make sure that it is deep enough.

Planting and fertilizing – After your tree has been properly placed, fill the hole about half way with the soil. Water until the soil looks “soupy” to remove any air pockets.

Fill the rest of the hole with soil and smooth the top so that the water will run toward the tree. Water thoroughly, once ever 7 - 10 days if conditions are dry. Over watering does more harm than good.

Mulching will help to retain moisture but leave a 3 - 4” ring around the trunk mulch free. Apply slow release fertilizer in the second growing season.

It is best to plant your new tree within 24 hours. If that is not possible keep it in the bag, in a cool, dark place such as a garage, protected from freezing and drying out.

Contact Us With Questions

Call: 406-589-8801


Visit: 26 Becker Lane Wilsall, MT 59086

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